Male VS Female Mink

All mink pelts used at our garments are Male. There are a couple of exceptions of female mink pelts used in a few garments, clearly stated at the title and description. 

But why go for male mink? What is the difference? 

Female mink is usually a little softer and more lightweight than a male mink. But not always. A top quality male mink pelt is softer and more plush that an inferior quality female mink pelt. Plus, the latest tanning techniques remove part of the leather side without harming the hair/fur side, thus the pelts are very lightweight nowadays. Also, there is a significant price difference (approximately 40-50% higher) for female minks that we think does not actually represent the difference in quality. So, to sum it up, male minks are not only cheaper, they are also lightweight too and very soft.

Quoting from American Legend Auctions website: "One common concern of mink consumers is whether to buy a garment made of male or female pelts. In general, female pelts are smaller and lighter than male pelts. The primary objective should be to acquire the finest quality mink in a professionally fitted garment. Both male and female mink from American Legend Cooperative are recognized for their outstanding quality and beauty. A garment made with quality American Legend Cooperative male pelts will actually look more beautiful than a garment made with commercially produced female pelts."